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We are in a day and age where a badge can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing and could ultimately change our lives for the worse....or it could be for the better... it's a toss up, but that's everyday life.... Right? We have to understand we are ALL humans, with or without a badge. You choose to do what is right, or you choose to do what is wrong....This man wore his badge with integrity, and he also chose to treat each person as a human being. Yes, these men are hard to find, but they are there. This is one of them....I want to honor his faithful service, valor, and humanism. Meet Gordon Finger, a veteran of the US Navy who served OUR country during the Cuban blockade, and is/was a retired Chief Deputy Sheriff for Van Wert County. 

The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.--Benjamin Disraeli

Although, I physically can not be there today, due to starting a new job, and this job I know Gordy would be thrilled about, I still want to express my condolences, grief, but also my gratitude.

Those piercing blue eyes. The saying that the eyes are the portal to the soul….In Gordy’s eyes, was a soul of a man who was a loyal, God fearing man, who acted and walked in this world to try and make a difference.

Gordy, you were there that fateful day in 1983 that changed the trajectory of my life and my siblings lives…and you tried. You cared. You, Doris and your family opened your heart and your home to my sister years later. I don’t think anyone can even understand the brevity of that selfless action. I wish more of humanity were like the both of you.

You and Doris also were there in 2010 when I bared my heart,my soul, and took a chance by publishing my book about that fateful day. You were the ONLY ones from Van Wert that came out to support me, and validate my story and the reason why I wrote it.

My heart hurts for your beautiful wife, your amazing kids, and the many of your extended family because you are now their missing puzzle piece...for now. In the grander scheme of things... However, you have left a legacy behind of a man of integrity and love. And your family will carry that on with you as their guiding angel...Fly high Gordy…Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7

All of God’s grace and mercy….and so much love and admiration….


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