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Showing posts from December, 2010

Ramblings in April's head...yikes!

Where does misery and disgruntled get you? Miserable and disgruntled. You can never make everyone happy, and you will die trying if you think you can. Point and case, been there done that. I can point out everything in my life that has made me angry, sad, beaten, bruised, negative, and just plain blek! But if I am truly honest I can tell you other things that have made me laugh, made me happy, made me feel blessed beyond measure, and thankful for the days that I breathe.          I know I have said this time and again, and believe you me when I say I STILL struggle with knowing that holding onto the past gives my tormentors power they so do not deserve. I know I have people who say, well you just don’t understand, but you know what maybe I don’t. I can only share my experience, strength and hope that peace can be found. I refuse to lie down and take it, and not try and make a difference.          I can sit in my pit, or I can buck up and realize there is ALWAYS someone worse off th