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Showing posts from March, 2017
Preface: Yes, it’s late. However, I have no job to go to tomorrow. So, lots of time to think, and ultimately I tend specialize in ticking people off when I speak my mind. The things and thoughts others hide. I am sorry that you hide in your cowardice. As another year passes….what have I gained or lost in the last 34 years? Well, in this last year, I lost a 20 year marriage and continue to endure broken relationships with some of my children. I ask the Lord constantly, “What did I do?” “I know I wasn’t an ideal wife or person, but, will someone ever love me and understand me completely for who I am?” Ultimately, I am an adult. Scarred, marred, and damaged….I don’t know if I will ever be any one’s “normal”. And yet, there are those that say, you’re just feeling sorry for yourself. They see my tears as pathetic. Weak.   I have spent the majority of my 43 years focused on my pride and independence .  Now that I am out of multiple toxic relationships, I realize how easily I was b