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Showing posts from August, 2010

A time for everything

A Time for Everything-Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV)   1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: As we walk through this life what are we looking for? Acceptance? Completion? Other human beings will always fail us, always hurt us, and always let us down, but there is One who won’t.   2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, We always are congratulating, excited, and in awe when someone gives birth…as the child grows older most lose their fascination with that child and what is cute. Why is that? Those children become jaded because of us. A child has an insurmountable amount of faith when they are young…we end up squeezing it out of them as a society. A time to die. It is so hard to deal with death of a loved one, whether family or friends, it is so hard to say goodbye. As days go on I stop, much more than I ever use to, and look around me. Amazed at what God has created, and saddened by the signs that satan still

Life is but a vapor..

Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”-
Wayne Dyer When I saw this quote today, it rang so true for the events that have happened over the last week. None of us have a future that is guaranteed, but we live our lives as if we do. You go to bed one night, wake up the next morning, and poof your life, as you knew it is over. Doesn’t matter how old you are. I know I am guilty for it, because hey thinking about death is not so fun! I read an article not to long ago that said something to the effect of “if there is no God, and we just “poofed” here, and we are the ever evolving ape person, than what is the point of life at all? (I totally paraphrased that!) Some may say that is a little drastic thought process, but to me…made perfect sense. I cannot imagine living my life based on no faith, no hope, no purpose, etc…what would be the point? And I know I cannot wrap my mind around the ever a

Don't let anyone take your will to live away

“You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.”- Chuck Palahniuk When I read this quote I want to say that I know sometimes it feels like we don’t have a choice. Feel being the operative word. Sometimes life just plain sucks, but you still have a choice. When we take it upon ourselves to contemplate taking our own life, we are in turn saying to those who love us, “I am sorry, but your love just isn’t enough”. I know that may seem harsh, but realistically there is truth behind it. I should know I have contemplated suicide more than I ever should have. Mainly it was during times I was under the influence, which just exacerbates those emotions without fully understanding the consequences of what those actions will bring to those around me when I am long gone. Life is tough. Life can be filled with happiness, sadness, disappointment, death, life, and the list goes on. We have a choice to throw in the towel or not too. It is

What are you going to do?!

"The Michie man charged with shooting his estranged wife in front of their 6-year-old daughter Friday was out on bond at the time of the slaying on three cases in which he was charged with various sexual charges and assault." This article is only one of 4 that I read today regarding domestic violence that ended in death. Significance you ask? It is the fourth homicide involving domestic violence in Tennessee this year. As I read through each article a particular theme was constant…they all had a prior record involving some form or another of domestic disputes. This particular guy was out on bond for 3 other charges he was facing.   My blood boils when I repeatedly hear how family& friends knew there was a history and problems. If I hear one more excuse of why it isn’t any of your business, I might scream. (Not what was going to come out, but we are PG here) When is our legal system going to get it? How many more people have to die and thei