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Showing posts from August, 2012


Our lives may look different on the outside, but everyone has a story. I think we rush through life placing labels on others, because we are too into ourselves to actually find out why that person is overbearing, annoying, gossipy, mean etc. I know for the longest time, and still to this day, I am a hard person to get close to. Those walls that kept me safe for years, keep me from experiencing life sometimes. It is something I have to work on daily…will I ever be to the point of non-wariness in those situations? Probably not, but all I can do is try to be aware of it and try harder. I have been doing a lot of reading lately, and really trying to “weed” out a lot of the nonsense I (we) all put into our lives on a daily basis. If we truly look at our lives, how much of it is superficial and materialistic? I am as guilty as the next person in wanting “stuff”, and most of the time I don’t need. What are my thoughts and energies being put into? Stuff? Will any of that stuff ma

Wow. A year ago to the date.

It is so weird. I have not blogged in forever. I have been writing, but it has been random and in a notebook I carry with me at all times. I was getting ready to check my email and hit my blog bookmark on accident…or was it?? I looked at the date, and was like wow. A whole year has passed. Have I changed at all? For the better? Or the worse? Life is a journey of tears, joy, pain, humility and sprinkled with every other emotion. This has been one the most challenging years of my life. So many different changes. Life looks nothing like it did a year ago. There are things I have handled well, and others that I have botched up horribly. The thing is…I truly believe that nothing we go through is for naught. Does it make it right? No, but I really don’t want to be a victim anymore. How far and how long will we fight the reality of which we are scars and all? It does not have to be a bad thing. If we embrace what has made us, even when it hurts, how much more empowere