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Showing posts from September, 2017

Vows....good intentions or a joke?

Vows. What do they really mean? According to Google search, “ a solemn promise or undertaking. ”  Interesting concept. I have to say, that after weeks of contemplating this definition, I think in this day and age, it is too easy to break said promise and or covenant. It is taken far too lightly. Sickness and in health? Really? Those heart-warming stories of the ones that make it decades, are far and few between, and I would almost guarantee they weathered the situations most divorce for. Biblically, most people will try to use biblical teaching as a rationalization, because they feel they are vindicated or justified from any wrong doing. That is a lie.  I believe in my Holy Father, and His Word, but when I hear others twist it to meet their agenda, I get angry. My life has been one huge soap opera/Greek tragedy. I am so over it. If there is one and ONLY, one thing I have learned, is God does not change . People do. Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, extended family, “once